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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dream Zoo How to gain Experience and Level up Faster

To check your Experience Points (EP) you can click on the little icon of the start down in the bottom left of your screen. The EP is a countdown and it shows you how much more EP you currently need to get to the next level.

There are numerous ways to gain EP and level up in Dream Zoo, and all of them involve doing something in the game. I'll write a list and a little explanation on each one.

(1) Clean animal - The higher the level of the animal, the more EP you get. Plains give you 3-4 EP, and Tropical animals give you somewhere between 200-400 EP from the ones I checked. Don't have to be successful, just attempt.
(2) Feed animal not sure why these don't give any EP
(3) Sell animal - very, very small amount
(4) Safari - if you happen to roll on EP
(5) Goals and Rewards - either by getting new animals and animal ranks, and going Goals and Rewards.
(6) Visiting other Zoos - you CURRENTLY earn alot. nothing (as of 2/6/2012) 14000 EP for accelerating babies, 7000 EP for cleaning animals.Variable amount from 7000 - 14000 EP, I'm too lazy to test further. (better jump on this before they nerf it). Have to be successful in cleaning, get Zero EP for failed attempt. HOWEVER, you only get the higher number, so if you accelerate 2 babies, and clean 2 animals, you only get 14,000 EP. You get 1 amount, and that's the higher of the numbers.

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