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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dream Zoo Update Version 1.1 - What to expect

Do after playing around for a day in the new version of Dream Zoo. I have noticed some things, some good, some bad.

Firstly, Dream Zoo now works smoother, quicker. They did fix some issues people are having, well...not really fixed, I guess they just reverted back to old code. Why? because while fixing the new issues, they brought back old issues. I can now send multiple gifts even without the need to crash out. I can safely just exit the game, come back and re-send gifts to all my friends on the list. I think I've sent out over 20 hearts in the past 24 hours.

Another thing is the cost to expand your zoo is again on a linear upward scale. The more you expand, the more expensive it becomes. My next expansion will costs me over 2 million coins. Before this expansion, the maximum expansion cost 1 million coins. I managed to expand around 8 times before the update happend, and each time, the expansion was only 24 hours. I'm not sure if Zynga increased the time for expansion, as I'm not willing to pay 2  million for 1/2 an expansion space.

On a side not, I just realized (by visiting other neighbors) that you CAN put animals on top of expanding space. It has to be a full expansion space, no 1/2 spaces.

All in all, I think going forward from here, Zynga will make small improvements to the game play. They will probably tweak the game to make it smoother. However, if it's like any other Zynga game trend., you can be sure that you will be expected to pony up real cash to do anything fun in the game. Will they reward the old players? or course not, the old players are just beta testers for them to work out the bugs in the game. What they really want, is to get new player to spend money on the game. 

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