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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dream Zoo. Best Way to make Coins

So I stumbled upon this video of a guy's strategy to make Mega Coins. Apparently making gold this way is a secret. The video by FnkyWhiteb0y is linked below

I like the basic idea, because as I found recently, that Habitat Space Multiplier is shared among all attached animals. The math can be found on my previous blog here: Blog Post. So FnkyWhiteb0y's method might be a way around the limitation.

What I want to do now is to see whether the strategy mentioned in the video above is better then mine.

I do see the benefits of the YouTube video strategy. In lower levels where you don't have a lot of animals and you have a lot of land, this might actually give you the most bang for the buck. This is because at lower levels, you don't  have the gold Coins and the Hearts to sustain breeding of a lot of animals. So FnkyWhiteb0y's method might be a really good way to go.

One bad thing I see, besides taking up a lot of space, is the fact that you have to move animals individually to the correct 4x4 square. I mean, each animal, when you want to collect Coins, would have to be moved. For the Plain Animals, that's like moving animals constantly, well...almost constantly.

Okay. lets do some math. We need some theoretical setup first. I'm using Collection Times and Coins found in my Dream Zoo Coin Collection Schedule Document.

Scenario 1
Lets stay we have 20 4x4 squares of 60% Habitat Space for plains. So for the 20 Habitat Space, we will get 1200%.  Lets use the Cheetah for our test animal. The Champion cheetah family gives 1268 coins and has a collection time of 24 mins. So for the 20 Habitat Space, we will collect  15, 216 extra coins, for a total of 16, 484 coins.

Scenario 2
In the same area, we can place 21 Cheetahs. 21 Cheetahs will collect 26, 628 coins.

Of course each Scenario will incur it's costs. So lets do a cost analysis

Scenario 1
From what I remember (can't access store as of writing this, keeps crashing), cheapest way to get 60% multiplier of 4x4 square is to buy the space which costs 5000 coins. So our total cost will be 5000 coins * 20 units = 100,000 coins.

Scenario 2
(not sure how much Exactly to raise a champion cheetah, but lets err on the upper limit). A Common Cheetah costs 1600 coins to ship, and a rare Cheetah costs 1800 Coins to Ship. We'll just guess that a Very Rare Cheetah costs 2500 and a Champion Cheetah costs 5000 coins to ship. So for a Champion Family, we will incur the following cost (1600 * 2) + (1800 * 2) + (2500 * 2) + (5000 * 2) for a grand total of 21, 800.

Of course Scenario 2 takes more time and hearts. I'm a little fuzzy on how much Dream Zoo Hearts it takes to breed an animal, but I'm presuming it takes no more than 50 Hearts per family for the Wild Plains Animal.

But all in all, we can see that in Scenario 1 (All Habitat Space), initial setup costs 100,000 coins and the income will be 16,484 per collection.  In Scenario 2 (All Animals), initial setup costs 21,000 coins and income will be 26, 628 coins per collection cycle.

Conclusion: getting more animals is better than getting habitat space yet again.


  1. Tried the expansion method for the first time.
    Zynga might know about these shenanigans now.
    After I got around 800,000 coins I purchased a bunch of land and got some mates an went on a lot of safaris. The screen went dark and said updating, and all my stuff was gone. Even my purchased stuff.
    Seems Zynga is fighting the cashing one moved animal at a time system.

    1. It's actually just an error. If you email them, they will give you your coins back up to a maximum of 2 million. I lost 3 million coins this morning and only got 2 million back

  2. Seriously this is pissing me off! They keep taking my coins by the 400,000. By the way I use the rhino.

    1. They changed (bug) the bonus to a maximum of 250% habitat bonus for some devices. It's a bug.
