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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dream Zoo won't load

It's 9:38pm, I've been trying to load my zoo for about 30 mins and it still wont load. I've tried on 2 different iphones and my zoo won't load at all. The progress bar keeps stopping at 95%. :(


  1. I'm having the same problem.

  2. Um holy shit mines doing the same thing for like an hour now. And my name is Syd too lol

  3. Maybe its down for maitnence or something ):

  4. Me too iPad 2 iOS 5.0.1 and iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1

  5. Same here iPad 2 iOS 5.0.1 and iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1

  6. Mine too and I've tried on iPhone 4S and iPad 2


  7. Hi
    My zoo was fine this morning, I even collected tons of shamrocks. Then I started to have a problem with it so I clicked on the update, now when I turn it on it only loads to about 90% and then goes in to updating mode.....and nothing seems to be happening....when the page loads I am at level 1 with 0 coins and no animals or anything to be seen on the screen....I was at level 25....What can I do?

  8. Same. I love this game and it's been down for two days now. I hope they fix it soon.

  9. me too I have tried on my phone and on my Ipad2 and it won't open on either one damn it! I love playing this game!

  10. Me to I'm on Android and not working all morning! Grrrrrrrrrrr
