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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dream Zoo New Update Soon...

Form Zynga on Jan 3, 2012 (I have to remember it's 2012 and not 2011, which I keep typing):
 "We're currently working to release a fix that will help take care of the land expansion issue. There will be other fixes accompanying this release that we'll have more details on later this week. We hope to have that available for download next week."
Good news is that they think they have found the cause of the bugs. Hopefully they also fixed the game crashing issue
The bad news "We Hope...next week". I'm hoping their timeline isn't like Blizzard's timeline.

I wonder if I should be saving Coins for land expansions. I don't really need the space, but it'll be nice to have most of my animals in neat rows. I could use the Coins just to level up my animals to Champions.

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