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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dream Zoo, I gave up on the Android Tablet Zoo

I should really have seen it coming, I broke Dream Zoo on the Android Tablet. Now I can't even access my zoo from my Tablet.

Knowing that Dream Zoo for the Android was still in Beta phase, I should have known better than to push the ability of the game on my tablet. The Android version of Dream Zoo I think has the same growing pains as the iphone version. It takes up alot of memory and so it crashes ALOT.

What I did was to try and play my level 55 zoo on my tablet, and since you can't change facebook accounts at all, I'm stuck trying to load my level 55 zoo on my tablet. Since the Android version won't load anything past level 25 on my tablet, I can't even boot up Dream zoo on my tablet.

I did like the bigger screen on the tablet. On the iphone, I can just barely get 6 animals diagonally on the screen to collect coins. On the tablet, I think I can get about 15 or so on the screen diagonally. It makes coin collection alot easier.

But since I broke the game, I guess I'll just have to stick to my iphone.

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