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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dream Zoo: How to place an animal you found in Safari

So you're on Dream Zoo Safari, and you've found one or several Animals, but what happens to these animals? They are obviously not in your zoo, but you have earned them, so where are they?

Well, once you've found your animal, they are all stored in the Import Page of the Dream Zoo Game. You can access this page by going to 'Menu' and going to 'Wild Animals'. Next, select the habitat that the animal is from, and the animal you found will be there. Just click on that animal to import to your zoo now.

You can also get to the import screen by clicking on the 'Zoo Grade' at the bottom left of the screen.

Just scroll down to the animal you found, and click it, it will also bring you to the import animal screen.

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