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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dream Zoo: Crashing when visiting neighbors

So frustrating. I'm always crashing when I visit someone on my  Friend's List. Sometimes it crashes as I'm travelling, sometimes when I'm loading, sometimes, when do I anything in the Zoo. It just crashes. I'm not sure what to do. Zynga supposedly already fixed this issue since the last update. However, it has progressively gotten worse. I have a lot of friends on my list, but i seem to take hours just to visit 10 friends and get the hearts. Colon Open Parenthesis.


  1. SAME HERE. this game is so frustrating. i wish they would stop adding features and fix their dang crashing bug issue first!!

  2. Hey Patricia,

    they did fix some issues, but I feel that's it's a never ending cycle with Zynga. Add Feature -> stuff breaks -> fix and add features -> other stuff breaks -> repeat.
    Unfortunately, they are more concerned with making money, so adding features will always take precedence before fixing bugs :(

  3. I have major crashes on my iPad, but rarely experience crashes on my iPhone after the latest update. I don't get why one is more susceptible then the other.

  4. I too have problems with my tablet (nook) and it crashes whenever I visit anyone over level 20. I just think that the game isn't optimized (yet) for tablets.
