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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dream Zoo Current State of my Awesome Zoo

This is just an update of my zoo. I currently have a very utilitarian zoo. That's because I can't collect all the animals as well as buy them decorations and extra spaces. This is due to the current size limitation of Dream Zoo. I don't think Zynga is going to allow any drastic expansion because Dream Zoo takes alot of memory when you play it.The bulk of my zoo looks like this.
Utilitarian Zoo
They are placed in a grid and have no decorations or extra space. This is because if you buy extra space, the maximum multiplier is 70%. However, if you add another animal, the multiplier is 100%, since you're getting another animal to collect from. And any new animal you collect will give you (majority) more coins than the previous animal. So in essence, you're getting over 100% per 4x4 block.

Stitched together a few screenshot to show you an overall view of my whole zoo. I would like it to have a more cohesive look, but due to the size and expansion limitations, I had to take animals and put them where I can.
Sydney's Level 50 Zoo as of  1/3/2012

The top left side of the map is where I put my money makers, the Wild Plains Animal. Mostly Zebras, Giraffes, Baboons and Cheetah. Once Zynga fixes the neighbors bug, I can get back to visiting all my neighbors on my friends list, then I want to change them all to cheetahs...slowly. 

I still need to finish off the champions from the last 2 habitats (zones).

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