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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dream Zoo: My most illusive Achievement till now

Feeding Master
My most illusive Goal (Achievement) in Dream Zoo thus far has got to me 'Feeding Master'. This is only because of the intermittent interface lag when the progress bar starts and when I visually see it reach the box where I'm supposed to tap the screen.

Compound the fact that you have to feed hungry animals in your own zoo 15 times in a row. You can't leave your zoo and feed another animal in a friend's or community zoo, you have to stay in your own zoo. Also, you have to feed the animals at a certain speed level. 

Speed level? Notice when you just start out Dream Zoo that the feed animal speed is super slow. When you manage to successfully feed your animals a few times, you get to move to a faster speed. It's at this speed that the achievement will start count. Once you miss a successful feed, you will inevitably go down to a lower speed, and the counter will restart.

It took me till level 48 to get this achievement completed. The reward is pretty awesome, 6 game cash. I don't actually do anything with game cash, but it's just nice because it's a game currency which you usually have to buy with real currency.

Actually, I have used game cash for 2 things. The first is to unlock my 3rd stork. And the second time was when I accidentally (embarrassingly) hit the 'Cash' button when I was on Safari. Total accident! I was trying to take a screen shot and my thumb pressed the screen and I went on a Safari. 

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