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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dream Zoo Zoom out for Better Overview

Accidentally found out that you can zoom pretty far out to get a better overview of your zoo. Normally, you can only zoom out to a certain level, I usually zoom all the way out and leave it on my Gazelle farm, but since my farm is too long, I have to pan left and right to harvest all of the coins.

What you can do to zoom even further out (for now) is to go and 'buy' an expansion.

 As you can see, my current expansion costs over 500,000 coins, but I can't expand anymore due to game bugs which are known to Zynga. After you click on the expansion, you will not be charged until you actually click on the 'Done' button. However, if you don't clink on any piece of unowned land, but instead click on 'Done', you will get this error message.

As you can see, my current expansion costs over 500,000 coins, but I can't expand anymore due to game bugs which are known to Zynga. After you click on the expansion, you will not be charged until you actually click on the 'Done' button. However, if you don't clink on any piece of unowned land, but instead click on 'Done', you will get this error message. Just click on 'OK", and now you will be in the zoomed out mode.

You can Pan and click on coins while in this mode, but you can't in regular expansion mode. As you can see, I'm in zoomed out mode and I am collecting coins. I like this because I can see over 60% of my whole zoo. Yay! HOWEVER! I suggest you not do this when your zoo is as large as mine. It tends to run out of memory space and crash :)


  1. Did you sell off your Gazelle farm? I don't see them when I visit your zoo, I see about 3 squares of them.

    Also, I sent you an invite, but apparently you weren't able to accept because you aren't listed as a neighbor to me. I wonder if it has anything to do with you having a different zoo name now? When I sent the invite, you had your code in the name. Same thing happened when my daughter sent an invite to you.

    My code is YUNCJL.

  2. Yeah, I sold it. The collection time of my Gazelle farm doesn't quite fit my schedule. I have to collect every 5 mins. So what I'm trying to do is to get more Cheetah, Baboon and Zebras. Also, I actually saw your neighbor request, but when I clicked it, the game crashed (again). So I'm adding your code now! Hopefully I can visit your zoo, the game is very selective to which Zoo I visit. about 60% of the friend's zoo I visit result in a crashed game. I'm quite adverse to watching the loading screen now. It's like watching a pot boil.

  3. I think there is a memory leak in the game. I can visit a number of zoos and then at some point it crashes. If I go back in and revisit the one that crashes it works. So I think over time a memory leak or memory usage grows until it becomes unstable and crashes.

    Found out a interesting bug. For me, in the iPod Touch, the game resides in memory and I often don't fully shut it down and reload it. As people help my babies, they might finish but my zoo doesn't update the progress of the help. I found that if I force the program to shut down and reload, then I notice the progress of the help. I haven't tested it yet, but I wonder if it is enough to visit a neighbor and return to my zoo to force the delivery times to fully refresh...

  4. People on the Zynga forums have been thinking that it might be a memory problem also, because their ipod would report memory errors once it crashed.

    I don't have your bug because I have this cydia app called MultiCleaner, bascially, it force quits applications that I'm using, instead of just putting everything in the background.

    I'll try your method of reloading when my game crash to see if my neighbors turn up.

  5. I verified that if you visit another zoo and return to yours, the delivery times reflect any help that you have received. So, the conclusion is that you can't trust the delivery times displayed for your babies unless you've recently loaded (from start or returning from another zoo) your zoo.

  6. Found some instructions on how to force close an app. This is helpful for me so I don't have to power down my device just to force close the app so that I can force it to reload.

