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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dream Zoo, New Update Undocumented Changes

Woke up today and checked the Appstore for updates, it seems Dream Zoo got an update! So I updated and logged in, to see if they actually did anything useful... :).

New Loading Screen
So far, for the few mins I've been playing it, it seems this Dream Zoo update actually has fixed some issues the game had. Let me list what I've noticed that's not part of Zynga's login Infomation.

(1) The game runs smoother / faster even with alot of habitat space
(2) Animals don't get hungry after you wash them
(3) The "bug" that was lowering the multiplier on habitat space actually turns out to be a more permanent feature.
(3) Customization of Animals (I'll go into that in the following post)
(4) Fixed the bug where you can send multiple gifts on a single day (yay!, but also boo!)
(5) It (currently) seems that you can get over 1000% multiplier for an animal

I think the main thing (besides re-skinning animals) is that they did something to make the game run smoother with alot of game animals / spaces. There is no visible lag when you move your animals to and from huge expanses of habitat space. There used to be a noticeable long wait when you use your move tool to move an animal next to or away from a habitat space. But now, that move is almost instant...almost.

This is somewhat good news as now you can use it to move your animals in and out of big habitat spaces and get your coin collection multiplier. It took too long and the game often crashed before this update, but its now a viable way to get lots of coins. Preliminary testing shows that you can go over the previous 1000% multiplier cap, I'm up to 1500% and I've not seen an 'updating' screen

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