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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dream Zoo, How to Wash Animals

To Wash an animal, you first have to select an animal that needs washing. You can tell which animal because they have the animataion of little flies flying around the animal.

To wash an animal, there are bascially just 3 things you need to know. The Start point (which is always the same), the end point, and how to move your finger.

1. The start point. The Yellow Sponge in the picture below shows you the starting point. When you see this, the game is ready for your input to wash the animal. Any other action on the screen will start the washing sequence.

2. When you wash the animal, the sponge will move from left to right along this bar. You start the wash sequence by touching the screen and moving your finger anywhere inside the screen. You have to keep the part of the finger that touches the screen moving or the game will think you have stopped washing.

3. To successfully wash an animal, you have to move your finger till the sponge gets to this zone. This zone may be closer or further from the start point, but it will always look the same. Stopping of removing your finger from the screen will trigger a Stop Wash Sequence.

In summary, touch the screen and immediately start moving your finger anywhere on the screen. Doing this will cause the yellow sponge on the left of the bar to move towards the right side. Do not lift your finger or stop moving until the sponge gets to the end zone, indicated by the circled sponge.

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