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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dream Zoo: Missing Mythical Animals

Around 5pm yesterday, I logged into Dream Zoo only to find my Mythical II Animals missing. The Animals themselves were missing, but the land is till there. I can collect coins, but they don't register. At first I thought it was just a game bug, but after a few hours, and a few re-installs, I realized that the animals were gone. So my first thought was that Zynga found the bug where it allowed people to import those animals and fixed it. So I posted a forum post at Zynga.com to ask for a confirmation, and the Mods responded by saying that the Developers are aware of the issue and are looking for a fix.

The problem with this vague answer is that I don't know if the issue is the Mythical II Animals (Kirin, Unicorn, etc.) being there in the first place, in which case they will remove it. Or the problem is that the animals disappeared, in which case they will have to put it back into the game.

Woke up this morning, and the animals are still gone. What a waste, because I had allocated more breeding time in the game to Mythical Animals II because they are higher ranking, and thus will give me more coins and XP.

They also seem to have disappeared from the 'Zoo Grade' area.


  1. Same problem here. I'm leaving the empty spaces there for now. Glad to know it's not just me.

    -Exotic Meats

  2. I don't even have mythical animals I miss both of those lands and prairie land

  3. Also missing some animals. Found my land empty in one area. I cannot locate any support at zynga.com for dream zoo, where is it?

    1. instructions can be found on this page:
