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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thinking of Moving this blog

I'm thinking of moving this blog, but I'm not sure how to or where to. I don't really like blogger's template because I can't move elements to how I want them.  I'm not sure if I can bring everything with me or I have to leave the old information and just start a new one, which would make it a bit messy. I'll think about it for now.
I've been playing around with wordpress on a friend's blog, and I kinda like that. It's highly customization and it's slightly on the back-end.

I wonder if I take all the info here, what will happen to all the google searches, will it stay on the net or will it disappear.

Although, I don't think there will be anything earth-shaking in future updates of Dream Zoo, it seems like Dream  Zoo is approaching it's ceiling, and will have to go horizontal.

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