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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dream Zoo: New Update (for iphones/pad), New Features!

Got a dialog in Dream Zoo this morning notifiying of a new update, the new version of the game would be version 1.2.0

A weird thing when I click on the 'Get Update' button in the game is that...it actually opens up itunes app on the iphone, not the appstore. It actually does update through itunes, but I can't seem to manually go into itunes and search for Dream Zoo Game. The search results always returns Albums and music.

I'll keep updating this post with all the new features the game has. So far, there is a new button under the 'Friends' menu. It's the 'Manage Friends' button. I'm pretty excited to see what it actually does. Since my friends list didn't load, I'm hoping that 'Manage Friends' now means you can delete friends.

Also, I'm getting an error message about logging into an android machine. Not sure how that will effect my iphone game.

Things they fixed (at least for me)

'Connect to facebook' now works again. Doesn't crash the game.

Things they broke

Seems like a few people have the same issue as me, when I log on, I get the "You have logged onto an Android device, we will not load your zoo" But it does load, and this error notice comes up every time I reload the game.

I'm not sure if it was this patch, but it seems that Hearts (and maybe coins) from the inbox is not registering and doesn't update the amount you have when you collect them.

Zynga knows about all the problems and is currently trying to fix the issues. Hang on everyone!


  1. I have Dream Zoo through the Android market and there wasn't a notice to update the game when I logged on this morning. Maybe the update is just for iPhones.

    1. I keep forgetting about the android dream zoo. :) It's on a different platform so they update it on a different timeline. I have updated my title to reflect that it's only for iphone. Thanks for the reminder.

    2. I get the same message and im on an iphone. The game is essentiall functional, but my neighbors will not load. I hope they fix this soon as I need the hearts.

  2. Update was for iPad, too.

  3. There is a new glitch on Android where if you keep tapping a community neighbor's expansion you can get infinite hearts until the game force closes . however, the hearts stay

    1. That sounds pretty sweet if you could keep it. I'll try and see if the iphone version can do that. But first I'll have to find a community member (very limited) to visit and have an expansion.

  4. I'm on an Android, the problem I have is it NEVER loads my neighbours, thus, I can't travel. It has not loaded my friend list for weeks now, I have to S L O W L Y collect hearts from fruit drops in oder to breed. What can I do to fix this so i can travel? I've tried saving to phone, then to card, restarting phone, etc.
