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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dream Zoo: Sending Support Email to Zynga from inside the game.

I'm guessing not alot of people know this, so I'm just going to mention it once and the point people to this post instead of replying and retyping the same information to lots of people.


You can send an support or help email to Zynga from inside the Dream Zoo Game. Doing this (instead of posting on Zynga's forums) has several benefits.

  1. It goes directly to the support department.
  2. It automatically adds information about your phone, game and zoo.
  3. You get a tracking number so your questions will be answered.
  4. You will get some compensation where warranted.


To do this, just head over to your game settings, this can be found by clicking the 'Menu' button in the bottom right of the screen, then clicking the 'Settings' icon.

Once in the 'Settings' screen, scroll all the way down to the bottom till you see the email:

Click on the email link.

Click on that email and your mail will open and you can type in your questions or concerns there.

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