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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Actually, the more I play this game the more I come to realize that Dream Zoo is a very faulty game. Alot of the elements of the game are not well thought out. The game is buggy and laggy once you get enough animals.

I've been reviewing the items you buy in game, and they don't follow normal rules of wisdom. Take for example buying land areas for your animals. These come in 1x1, 2x1 and 2x2 sizes. You would think that 1x1 would be the most expensive in terms of value, but, depending on the type of area (marsh, rainforest, desert, etc.), sometimes the 1x1 has the best value. Take for example in the rainforest, a 1x1 "Stone Ground", which gives a bonus of 15%, costs 8750 gold coins, whereas the 2x1 "Blossoming Glen", which gives a bonus of 30%, costs 15900. This is the normal way things should be, the more items you buy, the better value. BUT, s 2x2 "Rainforest floor", with a bonus of 60%, costs 3600 cold coins. that's more than double the value of 2x1. So, to cover the same 2x2 square block, it's better to buy 2 Blossoming Glens, plus you get the added visual bonus. The Rainforest floor is actually just the image of grass.

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