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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Misc Links

Link to the spreadsheet Dream Zoo Spreadsheet

You can come look at my zoo, my Code is OWKZUP, you can add me as a neighbor, and i'll do the same.

One of the bad things about Dream Zoo is the inability to easily add community zoos as neighbors. Why have neighbors? because you have the possibility to get double the number of hearts (currency). What I have done to make it easier for people to find my Code is to post my ID at the end of my Zoo's Name. In this case, my zoo's name is "Syd - OWKZUP". In this way, people who stumble into my zoo can easily find my ID and add them via the "Invite with Zoo Code"

Since I'm on topic, the best thing to do while at another person's zoo is to accelerate babies, accelerate expansion, then do the cleaning/feeding. Why accelerate babies / expansion? Well, this game is about waiting on cooldown timers, as such, the only way you can make your babies be ready faster, and your land be ready sooner, is to have neighbors accelerate them. I'm not sure how fast each acceleration takes off the real time, but it's really a big help if you do.

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