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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream Zoo Coin Collection Amount / Timer

Just figured out a little out the Coin Collection Amount works. The first Animal of it's kind (e.g. lynx) yields a certain high amount, the next of it's kind (spouse) yields a nominal amount. I'm not sure how much a baby adds to the total collection amount.

As for Timers, the purported timers on screen doesn't really match up with the actual collection timers (e.g. mountain lynx says it should be collecting every 6 hours, however, actual ability to collect is every 3 hours)

Edit: Adding a child/baby does add to the total coin count. Of course it's even a lower amount than getting the spouse for the initial animal.

Edit 2: Document I'm working on for Coin / Timer
 Dream Zoo Coin Collection Schedule

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