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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dream Zoo When to buy and Where to place Extra Habitat Space

Extra Habitat Space, you know, the item you buy where it adds additional space for your animals to roam, as well as give you a bonus multiplier for your coin collection. Like I said in a previous post, is mostly a waste of your currency. That is not to say that its totally useless, there are circumstances where you can make use of it to your benefit.

You really only want to have additional Habitat Space when your animal is very close to the edge of your usable land, and there isn't space between that animal and the edge to place an additional animal. As you can see below, my animals are towards the edge, and I can't place another animal in the space allotted.

Since the only 3 things that you can put down are paths, decorations and habitat space, we can eliminate the choices as such: paths give a maximum multiplier of 2%, decor gives a maximum multiplier of 20%. So the only choice is plopping down additional Habitat Space.

Unless you're level 46 and above, in which case, once you hit level 46, try and buy a few Tropical Clearing Habitat Space. As of this writing, the Tropical Clearing is relatively cheap. At 6600 coins, it beat any other Habitat Space in price, and to top it off, it currently gives you a 60% boost for a 1x1 square! So a 4x4 square which would have given you another 100% income from another animal, now has a multiplier of 240%! INCREDIBLE!!!one!!! So if you're level 46 and above, go buy it! now! make those coins!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, this was really helpful! I was trying to figure out if any of it was actually worth spending the money
