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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dream Zoo Tropical Clearing Habitat down from 60% to 15%

Well...I think the game has run it's course. With the habitat space multiplier fix (from 60% to 15%), it's not really worth it for me to have such an extensive space. Plus that big space really, really , really lags my game. I find that since I've really nothing to do in game, I find that I don't have a reason to open up the game at all. It even seems that Zynga has moved on to promoting another new game.

What I've been noticing now is that (1) there is a maximum price for expansions, which is currently placed at 1,000,000 (one million coins). (2) I think you can accrue expansion timer for yourself (explained below). (3) Dream Zoo will close all my other applications in the background of my iphone.

As mentioned above, I think you can 'save up' some expansion timer cooldown for yourself. For a few weeks before Zynga made it possible to get a bigger zoo, I've not been expanding my own zoo, while at the same time, I've been expanding other people's zoo. Once Zynga opened up more land for possible expansion, I went on an expansion spree. What I've found was that my expansion was ready immediately after I crashed or closed the game. This went on for several expansion until I think I ran out of time and now the expansions are just regular, which I think now is 24 hours maximum.

Edit: I read on Zynga's forums that it's a bug and they will fix it. So don't sell those Topical Clearing (now only 15% for a 1x1 square) yet!.


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  2. I noticed another Zynga game (Scramble) closes my Zoo app running in the background (iPod Touch). Perhaps this will be Zynga's approach going forward with all their apps.
