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PhoneGameGuides: Dream Zoo By Zynga

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dream Zoo level 57

Level 57 and all I got was another habitat space, no Bison :(

At this point in time, I find coin collection to be a waste of time. As such, I've stopped moving my animals to my habitat space bonus area when I want to collect coins. I'm actually collecting coins for the Experience Points rather than the coins itself. I have over 60 million coins, and I'm not even doing anything with them. So I've just been harvesting the animals for Experience Points. 

My Rhino Farm is giving my 31 XP per collection, but it's on a 12 hour cooldown. My Gazelle is giving me 4 XP per collection every 3 mins. 

I wonder if XP collection from animals is based on the number of animals you have on that one habitat space. Would you get more XP of you have a full family, or it's the same amount of XP from 1 imported animal. Would you get more XP from a champion family than a common family? I guess I could do some tests to see if that's the case.

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